Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Let Bygones be Bygones

It was our friend Topher's birthday last December 25. So last night, we went to Makati to celebrate his birthday.

It was nice seeing old friends come together. It had been a long time since the last time we were together. Almost everyone was there: Topher, Alex, Richard, Cholo, Jeff, Nico, Kravz, Ferdie, Bro, Yam, GL, Burt, Joeffer, and many others.

It was a good night. Why? Because I was able to settle one of the most important issues in my 2005 -- my Little Prince.

He was there. He talked to me. Honestly, I prepared myself for this. So he did not catch me off guard. He called me in one corner.

So there we were on top of the building watching fireworks being scattered in the skies -- talking. But it was more a like catching-up-with-each-other talk rather than an 'issue' talk.

LP: Alam mo yun tinext ko sa iyo nun, about dun sa usap?
C: Oo naman. Bakit?
LP: Uhhmmm...
C: (cutting him off) Ano ka ba? Wala na yun noh!
LP: Talaga?
C: Oo noh. Past is past. O kamusta ka na?

And then the conversation continued. We talked about our work, his graduation next year (he is in Magna Cum Laude Standing), fireworks, and other things. Until now, his brain still amazes me. If there will be a friend of mine who deserves to have the moniker of Mr. Know It All, he will definitely have the title. Hands down.

I think I handled the situation very well. As sister slut puts it awhile ago, let bygones be bygones. When she told me that, I looked at her and told her I said the same thing to my Little Prince last night. Though in a more common term, 'past is past'. Let bygones be bygones.

Suffice to say, everything is fine between us. And I have to admit, I miss having him as my friend.

And if ever you are reading this blog, thank you for everything. And I am so glad that everything is okay. And I am so proud of you Magna Cum Laude standing. Be bigger!


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